What is a Good Attitude?

Its a most common question that what is a good attitude? Lets suppose if you have given the choice of dealing with a positive, upbeat person with a "can-do" attitude or dealing with a disgruntled, bored, uninterested person, which would you choose? Most people prefer to be around people with a positive attitude. So developing a good attitude can help you get more out of your work experience, and can benefit you in all areas of life.
  1. It makes You feel better
  2. You can brighten other people's day
  3. People want to be around those who have a good attitude
  4. Employers want to employ people with a good attitude
  5. Customers prefer to deal with people with a good attitude

Show good attitude in the workplace

  • Be enthusiastic and willing. Think about how your work will benefit others - this can help you to find job satisfaction even in menial tasks

  • Think about lessons learned - even if something goes wrong, or the placement isn't what you expected you can still learn something from the experience.
  • Focus on the positive aspects of your work experience - nice people, nice workplace, easy journey to work, opportunity to learn etc.
  • If you're bored, try not to show it. Most jobs have some aspects that aren't as fun as others.
  • Listen carefully to what you're being told and ask if you don't understand something
  • Some workplaces are quite formal while others are more relaxed, so use how other people behave as a guide. 
Be friendly and smile! - smiling can actually make you happier also.

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