Learn To Put The Past Behind Us

To learn to put the past behind you, you have to be willing to accept what happened as something that is finished, and that can't be changed. Too many of us get stuck in the accomplishments in our younger days, and don't realize that those days are gone and are never going to be back. While others of us choose to review our mistakes over and over again thinking that doing so will help prevent us from committing them in the future, and not realizing that that continuing to think of these mistakes is preventing us from living the best life that we can in the present time. 

Sure without our past we would never be where we are now, and we should definitely learn from it, but we mustn't over think our lives either. Live in the moment, do the things you love, and make wise decisions based on wisdom, not on paranoia, or the fear of committing the same mistake you made in the past!

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