Holy Month of Ramadan

Ramadan is the Ninth Month of the Islamic Year, Holy Month of Fast, one of the five Pillars of Islam, ordained by the Holy Quran for all adult Muslims. According to the Holy Quran, the fast of Ramadan was instituted so that believers may cultivate piety; this particular month was designated because it was the month during which Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) received the first of the Holy Qurans revelations.

The fast during Ramadan begins each day at dawn and ends immediately at sunset. During the fast Muslims are forbidden to eat, drink or smoke. Before retirement each night, special congregational prayer is offered in which long passages of the Holy Quran are recited.

The night between the 26th and 27th days of Ramadan, on which the first revelation occurred (The Night of Determination). Prayers on the Night of Determination are given the highest precedence of all. According to the reference passage in the Quran it is better to pray at this time than over a thousand months; because all the angels led by the head of the angels (Gabriel) descend from heaven to pray and praise Allah (God) with believers.

The day after the end of Ramadan is called the Fast-Breaking and is celebrated with special prayers and festivities.

§    During this period Non-Muslims should show respect and not eat, drink or smoke in public places.
§    As the Holy Month progresses the effects of disrupted normal sleep patterns and hunger becomes apparent among some of the Faithful.

      Management and supervision should take the physical and mental effects this imposes on
      individuals into consideration when planning daily tasks (in addition to the heat burden) and
      refrain from setting overly challenging completion targets.

§    You may witness erratic driving caused by tiredness and fatigue.

If you encounter a vehicle being driven erratically, slow down, and preferably avoid overtaking. Should you decide to overtake beware; occasionally drivers may speed-up during this manoeuvre increasing the potential for an accident.

Finally, we should be sensitive to the fact that the Holy Month of Ramadan is regarded as a period of peace, calm and forgiveness by our Muslim colleagues to this end confrontation and conflict should be avoided during the course of our business.

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